Friday, 28 June 2013

"Husbands are the problem"

So from time to time I get the question from random  people, carers at the nursery, mums at playgroups, etc

"So,  would you like to have another baby?"

My standard answer is "I have to find a husband first"

Which usually makes the other person check themselves and realize they are talking to a single mother ( Yep, I don't actually have a tattoo on my forehead stating that, and actually look sort of normal, so...)

Sometimes they change the subject, specially if they are married themselves; the younger ones have sometimes gone on with how hard it is to find someone, etc, etc.

But today I had one of the most honest conversations.

Her: How many do you have? Is she your only one? ( she has about three kids the other two much older than the youngest who is in nursery with my monster)

Me: Yep, just her

Her: Do you want anymore?

Me: I kinda need to find a husband first

Her: Do you really want a husband?

Me: Uhm.... well, I think I actually want another baby more than I want to find a husband. (which is quite the truth).

Her: Ah, the husbands. Kids are lovely, the husbands are the problem!

Ah! Finally someone honest! Refreshing

*and no, I have no idea how many husbands this woman has had, or if she currently has one.

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