Friday 5 July 2013


I never thought that at 2.5 she would be really comparing herself against the other kids at nursery, specifically about what they have and she hasn't.

She had said in the past about not having a Daddy (and some times actively trying to find one...) but she doesn't seem too worried about that.

At the moment she is much more worried that we don't have a car! She keeps saying I should buy one for her to go in, and poor Fia doesn't have a car.

Friday 28 June 2013

"Husbands are the problem"

So from time to time I get the question from random  people, carers at the nursery, mums at playgroups, etc

"So,  would you like to have another baby?"

My standard answer is "I have to find a husband first"

Which usually makes the other person check themselves and realize they are talking to a single mother ( Yep, I don't actually have a tattoo on my forehead stating that, and actually look sort of normal, so...)

Sometimes they change the subject, specially if they are married themselves; the younger ones have sometimes gone on with how hard it is to find someone, etc, etc.

But today I had one of the most honest conversations.

Her: How many do you have? Is she your only one? ( she has about three kids the other two much older than the youngest who is in nursery with my monster)

Me: Yep, just her

Her: Do you want anymore?

Me: I kinda need to find a husband first

Her: Do you really want a husband?

Me: Uhm.... well, I think I actually want another baby more than I want to find a husband. (which is quite the truth).

Her: Ah, the husbands. Kids are lovely, the husbands are the problem!

Ah! Finally someone honest! Refreshing

*and no, I have no idea how many husbands this woman has had, or if she currently has one.

Monday 18 March 2013

That day...

So the dreaded day finally arrived.

Fia said " I want a daddy" I have to say it didn´t take me by surprise. I could tell in the past few weeks she was increasingly aware of "daddies"  either her friends´ at nursery or families in books. I could really tell her head was ticking "other kids have a mummy and a daddy, I´ve only got one"

So she said "Fia wants a daddy." I told her she´s got a mummy who loves her very much, and continues talking about our family and friends.  She didn´t see to take much notice after the third person.

I am a bit concerned that she might feel she is missing out on something by not having one.

... but then again she also asked for a dog and a cat this week.  None of the three are an option for now...
maybe a goldfish will have to do for now.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Baby signing

So Monday we went to our first ever Baby signing class "Sing and Sign." It was quite fun, though it was only us there, as everyone else seems to be on holiday. Fair enough, I will not be there next week, as I will be away. Baby was just crawling around the room, pulling herself up on the chairs, and playing with whatever she found, and at times actually paid attention to the singing and signing. Our teacher, J, seems really nice and friendly, and her daughter El is just so cute! I learned the basics "eat", "more", "drink", "all done" and a few animals. Ahh and the twinkle twinkle animal song! I wouldn't be surprised if "duck" is baby's first sign. Really looking forward to this. Another great thing, is the same teacher has just signed at the nursery baby will be attending, which is great as she will have the same system with me and at chilcare! I am hoping that signing serves as a link between my Spanish, and the world's English, and will help her understand both languages and lessen her frustration. I am starting to try to get into the habit of signing, and I can't wait until the day she signs something back!!

Sunday 4 September 2011

And the judging begins

So my aunt decided to come and spend my last weeks of my maternity leave with us. Which means she wants us to be travelling and doing things, so I end up spending less time with my baby or getting things sorted before I go back to work. It also means having someone next to us judging and making critical comments about everything we do. Co-sleeping- "Oh, its going to be hard to get her out of that." BF- "I don't really like seeing women breastfeeding in public, I only breastfed mine till 6 months, there's no point doing it any longer. BLW- "She looks so funny eating food like that. " and at a restaurant to a waiter " Oh sorry for the mess, she feeds herself, that's why" hmmm if anything, I should do the apologizing, not her, and baby feeding herself has nothing to do with it. Babywearing- "Oh you do prefer that, you must get tired, you probably won't be doing that for long now" "Oh, she only wants to be carried by mummy, doesn't she" That and, leaving papers, cables, laptops, etc within reach of baby, and she keeps leaving the gate open. The only time she closed it, baby was already in the sling.

Wednesday 31 August 2011

stash building

5 days into cloth-nappy-land and I am quite happy with it. We have made it through the night in cloth, and it was fine. The trial kit we have only has one night nappy, so she's not wearing it every night.

And I have to say, I am getting obsessed!! Ah, the amount of time I've spent looking at websites selling new or used ones, and EBAY! WOW is that addictive!

I really need to behave, now is not really the time for me to be spending much money. But, I now have 4 pocket nappies, one wrap, and 18 terry nappies on there way to me, yikes! Still need to get a wetbag... using a ziplock bag for now.